Tuesday 26 May 2015


Thank you. 

I don't know if I'll ever get over the regret of not visiting you two days before you passed on. I try to tell myself that I spent a lot of time with you so those two days are no big deal. 
But we haven't had a decent chat. You were always on my mind those two days. When I have a pocket of time I kept thinking if I should visit you. But I told myself I'll take a short break and see you on Tuesday. But you have moved on. 
I am grateful that your death was quick. I hope it was not painful. I hope you were not quietly suffering for long.
Why didn't you ask for me to come? Did you know you were moving on? I don't blame you at all. I just have a small regret. 
But thank you, 妈。You are the strongest woman and you have been very important to me in my life. From you I learn strength. I started to appreciate you more after I became a mom. You have produced three good children. I hope you had a fulfilling last few decades and that we make you proud. Now is the time to rest and move on to your next milestone. I will always miss you. 妈。

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