Tuesday 21 October 2014

Gratitude Challenge Day 11

Day 11: 19 Oct 2014, Sunday

I am grateful that:

1) My sil, Bee Leng, was able to help me with Lucas today so that I could go to the agencies to interview for a new helper. She brought him to and from his Tien Hsia and swimming classes and even got him to nap. At times like this I am grateful for supportive family members. 

2) After spending 11am - 4pm at Far East Shopping Centre and Roxy Square at East Coast and 7-8 interviews later, I managed to narrow down to 3 helpers. At least I know that I won't be in a rut and left without good help. 

3) I managed to sneak in a jog in the evening despite a busy day. I'm glad to have done it. I seriously need to lose weight and I do want to get fitter. Sometimes I remind myself that I have two young sons who depend very much on me. I don't want to be caught in situations where I fall sick or somehow is not fit enough to protect them. 

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